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The digital assistant for gov.gr

Eligibility certificate for the programme "Spiti mou II"

You can apply to receive a certificate of eligibility for the "Spiti mou II" program, provided that you meet the program's requirements. The certificate of eligibility is a necessary supporting document for applying for the "Spiti mou II" program.

After the application is submitted, the eligibility check process will be completed within minutes and you will receive an SMS and email with the result. If you are deemed eligible, you will receive the certificate of eligibility in your citizen inbox, which you can then use in accordance with the terms of the program.

You will need your personal Taxisnet credentials (after first registering with the National Communication Register (EMEP), in order to confirm your mobile phone number and consent to the Public Sector communicating with you).

The confirmation of your mobile phone number and the consent to communication with public entities is necessary in order to submit the application and complete the process. Please see the relevant announcement here.

If you are married or have a civil partnership, after completing the application, your spouse or the other party to your civil partnership must authenticate themselves in the service, by selecting the link they will receive by SMS and/or email, and give their consent.

"Spiti mou II" managed by the Hellenic Development Bank S.A. is implemented within the framework of the Recovery and Resilience Fund Loan Program with funding from the European Union-NextGenerationEU.


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